“Compagnie KORBO” presents “the POLAR CARAVAN” with its enchanting boreal stopovers, made of ice and dreams, travelling from town to town to meet Nanuq, the Great She-Bear - an articulated bear-puppet that rolls, walks, rumbles and can stand on her hind legs, reaching a height of over 6 meters.
An elephant of light, decked out in a thousand colours, takes the city by storm. This giant of light, manually operated and towed by puppeteers, will be surrounded by his court, like a king straight out of the Arabian Nights. A colourful performance led by Indian film stars (actors, dancers, acrobats, fire performers, magicians, stilt-walkers…). A Bollywoodian parade...
Be it on sea, land or in the sky, this fantastic ship defeats the foes her crew encounters. As reported by authors from Antiquity, it did wonders in Troy and in Actium. To this day, she has still not found her match, even when the prodigious qualities of high-capacity aircrafts, heavy ground vehicles and high sea vessels are combined. -
“Compagnie Korbo” offers a spectacular and epic bull procession. The God “Toro”, wandering a maze of streets, accompanied by his tribe, invites you to his fiery wedding : fusion of beast and city which, despite the meander of its labyrinth-like alleys, will eventually give in, and open its heart like a young bride saying “yes,” in front of the altar. “Toro” offers himself up to the Gods of the city; like the Trojan horse of the Iliad and the Odyssey…
“Compagnie KORBO” was born in 1992. Since then, it hasn’t stopped creating, producing and delivering shows for buildings dedicated to the arts, such as theatres or other venues, but also above and beyond the norms established by the indoor theatrical stage. Consequently, the company also performs street art. This occupation of public space permits a reinvention of our relationship with both informed and casual audiences, and the creation of clear social ties with an audience in constant renewal.
“Compagnie KORBO” creates and shines under the impetus of its artistic director Amar Aoudia. He is an author, actor, musician, scenographer and producer. His attention to detail and the finishing touches brings him to intervene right up to the last minute, even before the ultimate performance for the audience. He leaves nothing to chance and constantly returns to his workbench to hone his craft, with the participation of Jean Baptiste Cleyet (stage designer, draughtsman, editor and videographer) and other artists; Omar Toujid (actor, puppeteer), Franck Arnaud (actor, stage manager)…
To this day, “Compagnie KORBO” counts a good dozen acts, over a thousand performances, and several hundred thousand spectators both in France and abroad. In addition to this, there is a fertile force of imagination driving the creation of giant, articulated puppets (mechanical giants) which, from mythological objects, become mythical. There is, well and truly present, the unwavering and abundant desire to become the supremely popular street carnival barker.
The Mechanical Giants
The ELEPHANTINE PARADE – “Bollywood in the Limelight,” with its giant elephant of a thousand lights, the POLAR CARAVAN and its great white She-Bear endowed with the exceptional beauty of a wild animal that can stand on her hind legs, thus reaching a height of six metres.
Through them, another step is taken in conceiving, creating and making. A crescendo commences. A few moments later comes the legend of the AUROCHS – “The Fiery Wedding,” with a spectacular bull: the Bull God. This born performer gives off an undeniable splendour and a formidable presence. This meticulously designed mythological trilogy of animals is finalised as a work of art.

And, as if to top it all, it’s the turn of the Horse-Ship to see the light of day. It can rear up whilst spreading its wings, its body becoming one with the stern of a ship: THE STEAM HORSE, a Pegasus Unicorn Stallion.
All of this is no matter of chance.
It was a true journey for the artists, conceivers and directors, each time willing to go a step further. An ascending curve stemming from a reflection on one’s own roots. These artistic object-animals cover the foundations of the whole of humanity, which has been a boundless source of interest for our Company.
With this last opus, the STEAM HORSE, we witness a total liberty of unbridled design. A “realistic-fantastic-poetic” shape, the union between a horse and a boat. It can be seen as a synthesis of all the others and relates to cultures the world over.

For all that, there is the design office based in Grigny, in the South of Lyon, in the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region. Once the sketches and plans are designed, the budgets – significant – are determined. For this, a whole team of seasoned professionals gets busy: creator, designer, graphic designers, stage designers, builders, costume designers, videographers, musicians, technicians and many other trades. The race for life begins for the manufacturing of a product that, sometimes, surprises even the team itself because once finished, these mechanical and articulated giants are very impressive. Emotions run high. There is so much detail to take in, it is not unheard of to observe these creatures, and daydream for hours on end. They work just as well from afar as they do up close.
It’s a whole troupe that, with several loaded vehicles, goes on tour on both national and international roads. “Compagnie KORBO” organises the travel and stay of around twenty artists of all stripes: actors, stilt walkers, dancers, fire performers, stage managers, technicians for the parades and maintenance crews…
A show suitable for all audiences, even the youngest… These articulated giants are not alone. They are accompanied and guided by nomadic people – Rajasthanis in the ELEPHANTINE PARADE, ice gypsies for the POLAR CARAVAN, the gardians of the Mediterranean for the Legend of the AUROCHS, and the gallivanting sailors for the STEAM HORSE.
There is an undeniable coherence displayed by those artists, women and men, wearing shimmering costumes, made of noble and natural fabrics. These human beings move around the “BEAST” with ease and subtlety. Several characters mightily advance alongside the procession of these non-sedentary walkers. Naturally, these acts are bound to create artistic but also social ties, by setting forth all these nomads, people of freedom whose future will be found in motion and movement…
There is also an environmental coherence, hence a militant stance taken for the planet. Everything works solely on muscular power, without engines or fuel, using gentle mobility. The characters stroll through the maze-like cities. They pull, push and haul their animals and carriages… The discussion takes place, naturally focused on the diversity of people and unbounded audiences, promoting the sharing of the notion of liberty and an understanding of the Other.
“Compagnie Korbo” performs both in large cities and in rural areas or popular neighbourhoods. Viewers of all origins will watch, eyes wide open and gleaming, as the different parades make their way.